Jennifer Flemming, PhD Massachusetts, USA

I am an applied social science researcher and photographer with over a decade of work experience in humanitarian programming for children, youth, and families in displacement contexts. I specialize in participatory, ethical processes of data collection and action research to capture and describe complex human experiences in order to contribute to both program and institutional improvement and growth.   I use photography as a research tool, as a participatory method, and for reporting and storytelling purposes.

My current personal photography projects center on youth wellbeing in displacement, and in particular on the experiences of young men in transitional spaces. At present this collection includes collaborative work with youth in the United States, Jordan, Syria, Greece, Iraq, Kenya, and Northeastern Nigeria.

I work as a contract researcher with clients including USAID, UNHCR, UNICEF, INEE, Save the Children Denmark and USA, Norwegian Refugee Council, CARE UK, Education Above All, Porticus, and Terre des Hommes.

Email: for photo and research inquiries.